Good pure silk satin wedding dress, with its own light noble luster, that is any kind of non-pure silk dress satin, can not be compared.

All pure silk thick satin, is rarely seen in the domestic wedding dress. Because it requires a very high level of workmanship.

Chanel's tweed coat is lined with silk. The cutting pieces on the lining should be the same as those on the coat, and then be stitched together tightly. With pure silk making lining, it is a topic that chanel coat makes superb craft point, also explain pure silk making garment to have its special place at the same time.

Thick silk satin is harder to handle than thin silk crepe. Because it's slippery.

In terms of production alone, if you don't have many years of experience in the production of silk wedding dresses, you can't keep the seam of the fabric neat.

Perfect pure silk satin wedding dress, with its own light noble luster, that is any kind of non-pure silk dress satin, can not be compared.

Compare a French dress satin with pure silk satin. The white one is pure silk and the champagne one is dress satin.

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