If you are a bride with short hair, the bride should communicate with the hair stylist in advance to choose the right hairstyle, hair accessories and flowers.

If you have very short hair, wear more accessories. Shorter hair highlights the beauty and charm of accessories.

2. For the bride with short hair, it is not easy to change her hair style and find suitable hair ornaments. Basically, the closer to nature, the better. Choose a wig, too, but make sure it matches your face shape.

Try designing your own hair. There is a short style with a lock of hair on the front of the forehead and then the hair on the sides is rolled up. The most important thing is to make the hair look healthy and bright.

Attention of the bride with short hair: the choice of the veil is generally long, medium, short, single layer, multi-layer type. The bride can choose a style that suits her face shape under the guidance of her make-up artist. The right combination of flowers and crowns can also render the atmosphere. Flowers can be placed in the hair along the veil or in place of the veil. The bride wore a floral arrangement to tie up the flowers, and the new headdress could be paired with a romantic lace dress and lace wedding dress.

If you are a bride with long hair, you will have more beautiful hair.

1. Natural soft curls, the ups and downs for space and level, mild and neutral hair color, rose color, rose color, coral or the gills of kumquat color powder, properly build a healthy, light pink is tender feeling. Also wanton make public a kind or mature, or sweet nature is optional, if infuse elegant, luxuriant adorn the ornament again, you will be a perfect bride.

2. Gentle and messy, scattered waves, just like the gentle wind on the face, are fresh and pleasant, flexible charm, vaguely dancing in the undulations of the layers. It can be fitted with small, fine crowns and headpieces.

3. The braid with messy and loose curls skillfully ACTS as the braid with messy and loose curls. The decoration is asymmetric.

The towering elegant chignon has always been a royal favorite, a retro revival of classic, elegant bride's favorite. The indispensable crown and hair rings can make you more distinguished!

Send out also amorous feelings, magical straight hair, different amorous feelings, make public a kind of mature and sweet nature is at will.

The MM of long hair can not choose gauze, still temperament is outstanding.

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