How to select wedding photos into the book? After the long process of choosing a movie studio, setting a style, making a shape and taking wedding photos, the rest of the task is to select a wedding photo for the book. Here's how to choose your wedding photos.

Images are provided by vera photography

How to choose wedding photos in book 1, scan all the photos quickly, count the total number of photos, and figure out how many to choose from. Then, separate the photos according to the service set, so as to better select the best photos from the same set of clothes.

How to choose wedding gauze photograph enters book 2, the photograph that chooses to enlarge with the choice must pay attention to detail. When choosing a photo, also consider whether the selected photo is in harmony with the interior decor.

How to choose wedding photos into the book 3, learn to see some pictures with special effects. In the process of shooting, the photographer will often take some series of dramatic pictures with continuous action.

Wedding photos how to choose into the book 4, to pay attention to the details of the selected photos, take a closer look at the photos if there is a obvious fold clothes, background is easily neglected problem such as wear help. But if you liked this photo and it has some small details on the problem, then see if studio can later use digital technology to repair.

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